Open Pores
How many times have you looked into the mirror and frowned at those pesky little pit-like openings on your face? How many times have you tried to cover them up, but usually end up making them appear even worse?
If you are familiar with the above ordeal, you know I am talking about annoying enlarged ‘OPEN PORES’.Medically, all of us have pores, which are indeed “open”. However, you don’t necessarily want to be reminded of their existence every time you look in the mirror. Pores are tiny openings in the skin that provide a way for the oil glands underneath to lubricate and protect the surface of the skin. Causes of open pores include ageing and loss of elastin in the skin, causing the skin structure around the pore to open more widely, making them more prominent proving to be a concern for many of us.
The areas around the nose, the chin and the forehead usually have a higher concentration of these glands as they are the most prominently exposed and may hence present with enlarging of pores more evidently.
It is important to understand that they are a natural part of your skin and their appearance can be made better and they could be shrunk, but not completely removed and they also perform an important function of your skin.
For those whom the problem seems serious may have to resort to dermatological treatments for relief.
- Mesotherapy and MesoBotox: Here tiny amounts of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and Botox are injected directly into the skin, using very thin micro needles. This method has one of the highest success rates for treating open pores.
- Microneedling: This is a technique in which the face of the skin is rolled with very small needles- stimulating an injury. In response, the skin stimulates collagen production that reduces the size of the pores.
- Radio frequency: This procedure can shrink open pores quickly. The small pores are barely visible after the treatment, and the larger ones become less obvious.
- Lasers: The fractional lasers or frasel are the gold standard in treating open pores and helps in pore reduction. They are very effective with less downtime.Revlite Laser: Photo toning / Laser toning with Revlite is extremely popular to maintain the skin and prevent open pores.
- Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) :Pores can be reduced by Using Growth factors in combination with laser devices.
- Chemical Peels: Regular chemical peels can be done for skin maintenance. With peels the skin becomes smoother and the appearance of the open pores is dulled.
Your queries answered by Dr. Chytra:
Ageing of skin is dynamic. Results are permanent as long as skin stays the same.
Products containing retinol and glycolic can be applied to the skin to maintain the results from treatments.A Laser toning / Photo toning with QSNDY like Revlite will help maintain the skin.
Peels are great for maintenance but not for getting rid of pores. Open pores originate in the deep dermis and peels can only act on superficial skin layers.